Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 3/2/Zero Model BB+(With Tutorial)

Learning DIY projects with Raspberry Pi 2 and Pi 3 model B B+ A A+

SKU: RPT0001 Category:

Learning Raspberry Pi Starter Kit, developed especially for the engineers or students Learning DIY projects with Raspberry Pi 2 and Pi 3 model B B+ A A+
The kit is a very useful tool for science fair project, science lab experiments and science club competitions based on Rpi 3 2 model B including 1602 display, temperature humidity sensor
With a precision potentiometer, better quality, power supply module and breadboard and jumper wires and F-M dupont wire.
Lcd1602 module and gy-521 sensor module with pin header ( not need to solder by yourself)
Raspberry Pi is NOT included, packed with project box.
Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 32Zero Model BB+(With Tutorial)
Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 32Zero Model BB+(With Tutorial)

Tutorial includes Pythen code and C code for beginners learnning programming:
Download files please click here

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